Commons minutes 2/26/2017

​Highlights include:
Next A&S day will be on April 9th and covers pewtersmithing. We will be making seastars to donate to the Viceregency.
Then, June 25th will be an intro to Pennsic and Pennsic prep class.



February 26th, 2017

  1. Officer Reports

  1. Senes

    chal Report -Scribal night was fun and this is the third A&S event. A new bank account is coming.

  2. Going around the room for the other Officers

  1. Exchequer report – 2888.54. Valhalla made more money than we thought.

  2. Heraldry Report – Brokenbridge heraldry will be super strict.

Recently Past Events Upcoming Events

  1. BaconBridge 2 – Postponed to 2018.

Old Business

  1. Bank account – Going to be done.

New Business

  1. Kenna is nominated of the Teen Youth activities coordinator

  2. Largess competition between the cantons. We are trying to get as many people to be part of BrokenBridge was we can.

Upcoming Commons (dates and locations)

  1. April 9: Brandr (Pewtersmithing)

  2. June 25: (Pennsic prep and 101)

Discussions not mentioned above End of Meeting​

Agenda for 26 Feb Commons

This Sunday’s commons meeting will include a potluck brunch followed by a Blacksmithing class and general A&S day.

Commons Agenda

February 26th, 2017

  1. Officer Reports

  1. Seneschal Report

  2. Going around the room for the other Officers

Recently Past Events Upcoming Events

  1. BaconBridge 2

Old Business

  1. Bank account

New Business Upcoming Commons (dates and locations)

  1. April 2: Arnora (Pewtersmithing)

  2. May :

  3. June :

Discussions not mentioned above End of Meeting

Agenda2017-02-26 (1).pdf

Inter-Canton Largess Competition

Our vicegerents have announced a largess competition between the cantons. Anyone who wishes to attend this sunday’s a&s brunch (and doesn’t want to learn Blacksmithing) will be encouraged to consider participating.

Commons, Blacksmithing, Brunch, and A&S – Oh my!

The next BrokenBridge commons will be on Sunday, February 26th combined with a potluck brunch, blacksmithing class, and A&S day.

10:30am Doors open
11:30am BrokenBridge Commons
12pm-4pm Outside: Blacksmithing workshop. Inside: Potluck brunch, general A&S, and warmth.

You must RSVP for the Blacksmithing class to arnorakd [at] gmail [dot] com as capacity is severely limited. Include your SCA and mundane names. Priority will be given to BrokenBridge residents and those regularly active in the SCA. You will be expected to bring your own workgloves (thick canvas is good, thick leather is better). This will be held outside in a forge in a garage so dress in layers. Keep in mind that it can start out cold but the forge can get warm since you are playing with fire.
If this goes well, we will plan another Blacksmithing class for later in the year.

Arnora is hosting in Ditmas Park. The address is 273 Argyle Road, 1st floor in Brooklyn. Call 917-297-2356 if you get lost. Take the Q train to Cortelyou road, walk three blocks left, and take a right on Argyle road. Apartment 1. There is a cat and small dog in residence.

Minutes and highlights from the Dec 2nd Brokenbridge commons


  • Deck the Halls of Valhalla is January 7th. Classes, food, mead, vikinging.
  • Friday, January 13th is Calligraphy and Scribal night at Devra’s
  • Sunday, February 26th is a Blacksmithing workshop plus potluck brunch at Brandr’s. You MUST rsvp to arnorakd if you want to blacksmith.
  • We need a new autocrat for BaconBridge 2
  • We are looking for a volunteer to create a newsletter

The full minutes are attached as a pdf document.


Agenda for Dec 2nd commons, knitting class

Attached is the agenda for the BrokenBridge commons meeting on Friday, Dec 2nd starting at 8pm followed by "Learn to Knit a Rectangle" class at 8:30pm.

Feel free to bring your own A&S projects to work on as well. Arnora is hosting in Ditmas Park. The address is 273 Argyle Road, 1st floor in Brooklyn. Call 917-297-2356 if you get lost.

Take the Q train to Cortelyou road, walk three blocks left, and take a right on Argyle road.
Apartment 1.
There is a cat and small dog in residence.
Meeting scheduled to start at 8pm. Feel free to arrive anytime after 7pm.


Minutes from the Oct 28th commons

Highlights from the last commons:

A&S events upcoming!!!! Winter is for fiber arts.
-Anneke is planning a full-day naalbinding class so that students will have the time to create something. Look out for time and location announcements soon.
-The next BrokenBridge Commons on Dec 2nd, will be combined with a “Learn to Knit a Rectangle.”

Other hightlights
-Ragnarr wants to start keeping a written record of the history of BrokenBridge. Please contact him if you know things.
-All officers were running uncontested and elected unanimously.
-All proposed policy letter changes were approved unanimously. A copy of the new revised policy letters are attached as well as available on the under the Forms and Documents page.



List of Officers running for election at October 28 commons

Below is the list of people running for offices which will be voted on at the October 28th Commons:

Seneschal – Brandr Aronsson
Chatelaine – Johanne aff Visby
Exchequer – Lillie Red Towers
Minister of Arts and Sciences – Herr Steinmetzmeister Alaric Jager con Bremen
Knight Marshal – Jarl Valgard Stonecleaver
Herald – Ragnarr Bliskegg
Webminister – Arnora Ketilsdottir

Agenda for Oct 28 Commons

Attached is the agenda for the upcoming October 28 Brokenbridge Commons. We will be voting on all officer positions, as well as voting on proposed policy letter changes.

Arnora is hosting in Ditmas Park. The address is 273 Argyle Road, 1st floor in Brooklyn. Call 917-297-2356 if you get lost. Take the Q train to Cortelyou road, walk three blocks left, and take a right on Argyle road. Apartment 1. There is a cat and small dog in residence. Meeting scheduled to start at 8pm. Feel free to arrive anytime after 7pm.