Minutes from Jan 13th Commons

Minutes2017-01-13 – pdf

Commons Minutes


  1. Officer Reports
    1. Seneschal Report – Valhalla went well even if it was very snowy. Valhalla lost less money than we thought.  The Cedar the barefoot bard was amazing, and we would like to invite Cedar back to more BrokenBridge events.  We had 49 people at the event.  We are working to open our BB bank account
    2. Going around the room for the other Officers –
      1. Web – Nothing to report
      2. Knight marshall – Nothing to report
      3. Herald – Was sick for Valhalla and thanks Ervald for taking over for him.
  2. Recently Past Events
    1. Deck the Halls of Valhalla – $845 Dollars in total income, $65 to SCA inc for Non-Member surcharge, Expenses totalled $890.89, Event lost $110.  We had 10 new people.  This is the first event BrokenBridge has had that did not make a profit but we expected that going in.  
  3. Upcoming Events
    1. BaconBridge 2 – The aim for the event is to have it in mid-June 2017. An Autocrat needed to found. We are working on a site – Friends Field hopefully.
  4. Old Business
    1. Combining Commons with A&S
      1. February 24: Blacksmithing – The 24th was moved to Sunday the 26th to have this meeting. The 24th was placed incorrectly.
      2. March 31: Maybe what to do with sea stars. This meeting will moved to April 2. This will be pewter casting.  We will make sea stars that we will donate to the Vicregents.
  5. New Business
    1. Bank account – We are starting our own bank account.
    2. Viking Day: May 20th, The Deputy Seneschal will reach out.
  6. Upcoming Commons (dates and locations)
    1. February 24: Brandr
    2. was March 31: Arnora — Now in April 2: Brandr
    3. April    : see above
  7. Discussions not mentioned above
  8. End of Meeting – Meeting ended at 8:35pm by Arnora and seconded by Valgard.



Commons meeting and Scribal night – Friday the 13th, 2017


We are having a commons meeting, followed by a Friday the 13th-themed scribal/calligraphy night this Friday, January 13th, 2017 starting at 8pm in Ditmas Park, Brooklyn.  Doors open at 7pm.

Devra is graciously hosting at  627 East 8th st. Brooklyn, NY 11218 just off of 18th ave.  Bottom bell, ground floor.  She will be making campfire stew and rice and possibly brownies, but all are invited to bring beverages.  Take the B or Q train to Newkirk Plaza, or the B8 or B68 buses.

If you want to attend the commons portion (business meeting) of the evening, arrive by 8pm.  If you want to avoid the commons portion, aim for about 8:30pm.

Commons Agenda

  1. Officer Reports
    1. Seneschal Report
    2. Going around the room for the other Officers
  2. Recently Past Events
    1. Deck the Halls of Valhalla
  3. Upcoming Events
    1. BaconBridge 2
  4. Old Business
    1. Combining Commons with A&S
      1. February 24: Blacksmithing
      2. March 31:
  5. New Business
    1. Bank account
  6. Upcoming Commons (dates and locations)
    1. February 24: Brandr
    2. March 31: Arnora
    3. April    :
  7. Discussions not mentioned above
  8. End of Meeting



Minutes from the Oct 28th commons

Highlights from the last commons:

A&S events upcoming!!!! Winter is for fiber arts.
-Anneke is planning a full-day naalbinding class so that students will have the time to create something. Look out for time and location announcements soon.
-The next BrokenBridge Commons on Dec 2nd, will be combined with a “Learn to Knit a Rectangle.”

Other hightlights
-Ragnarr wants to start keeping a written record of the history of BrokenBridge. Please contact him if you know things.
-All officers were running uncontested and elected unanimously.
-All proposed policy letter changes were approved unanimously. A copy of the new revised policy letters are attached as well as available on the BrokenBridge.Eastkingdom.org under the Forms and Documents page.



List of Officers running for election at October 28 commons

Below is the list of people running for offices which will be voted on at the October 28th Commons:

Seneschal – Brandr Aronsson
Chatelaine – Johanne aff Visby
Exchequer – Lillie Red Towers
Minister of Arts and Sciences – Herr Steinmetzmeister Alaric Jager con Bremen
Knight Marshal – Jarl Valgard Stonecleaver
Herald – Ragnarr Bliskegg
Webminister – Arnora Ketilsdottir

Agenda for Oct 28 Commons

Attached is the agenda for the upcoming October 28 Brokenbridge Commons. We will be voting on all officer positions, as well as voting on proposed policy letter changes.

Arnora is hosting in Ditmas Park. The address is 273 Argyle Road, 1st floor in Brooklyn. Call 917-297-2356 if you get lost. Take the Q train to Cortelyou road, walk three blocks left, and take a right on Argyle road. Apartment 1. There is a cat and small dog in residence. Meeting scheduled to start at 8pm. Feel free to arrive anytime after 7pm.



9/23 Commons minutes and highlights

Attached is a pdf of the full commons minutes from 9/23. Below are some highlights:

  • We are actively seeking a chronicler for a monthly BrokenBridge e-newsletter. Anyone interested should email seneschal
  • On Sunday, Oct 30th, we will be having a A&S potluck brunch in Park Slope, Brooklyn featuring a BLACKSMITHING class. For more details, see the event calendar at Brokenbridge.eastkingdom.org
  • We will be voting on proposed policy letter changes at the Oct 28th commons
  • We will be voting on ALL BrokenBridge officer positions at the Oct 28th commons.
  • We have a new financial policy which can be found on the BrokenBridge.eastkingdom.org website under “Documents”

REVISED MINUTES: minutes92316-1

Commons tonight 9/23

The next BrokenBridge commons will on Friday, September 23rd starting at 8pm. Arnora is hosting in Ditmas Park. The address is 273 Argyle Road, 1st floor in Brooklyn. Call 917-297-2356 if you get lost.

Take the Q train to Cortelyou road, walk three blocks left, and take a right on Argyle road.
Apartment 1.
There is a cat and small dog in residence.
Meeting scheduled to start at 8pm. Feel free to arrive anytime after 7pm.

As a reminder, if you want to be a BrokenBridge officer, you’ll need to submit your letter of intent to the BrokenBridge Seneschal before Sept 28th with a copy of your SCA membership card. We will have form letters at this upcoming commons as well as the ability to make copies so be sure to bring your membership card.

We have several proposed changes to the BrokenBridge policy letters that we will be voted on. The proposed changes are indicated in the attached document.

BrokenbridgePolicyLetters – track changes (2).pdf

BrokenBridge Commons on Friday 9/23 at 8pm

The next BrokenBridge commons will on Friday, September 23rd starting at 8pm. Arnora is hosting in Ditmas Park. The address is 273 Argyle Road, 1st floor in Brooklyn. Call 917-297-2356 if you get lost.

Take the Q train to Cortelyou road, walk three blocks left, and take a right on Argyle road.
Apartment 1.
There is a cat and small dog in residence.
Meeting scheduled to start at 8pm. Feel free to arrive anytime after 7pm.

As a reminder, if you want to be a BrokenBridge officer, you’ll need to submit your letter of intent to the BrokenBridge Seneschal before Sept 28th with a copy of your SCA membership card. We will have form letters at this upcoming commons as well as the ability to make copies so be sure to bring your membership card.

The agenda is below:

  1. Officer Reports

  1. Seneschal Report

  2. Going around the room for the other Officers

Recently Past Events

  1. Barleycorn

  2. Cloisters demo

Upcoming Events

  1. Deck the Halls of Valhalla (1/7/17)

  2. BaconBridge 2

Old Business

  1. Vote on Financial Policy

  2. Proposed changes to Policy Letters

  3. Officer elections in October (Letters of Intent due 28 Sept)

New Business Upcoming Commons (dates and locations)

  1. September 23: Arnora

  2. October 28: Charlie

  3. November ____: Brad and Lada’s?

Discussions… (Not Mentioned Above) End of Meeting

Agenda 2016-09-23.pdf

BrokenBridge Commons minutes

The BrokenBridge commons minutes are attached as a pdf as well as the proposed financial policy which will be discussed and voted upon at the next Commons, on September 23rd, 2016 hosted in Ditmas Park, Brooklyn (same location as the last one, more details to be posted later).

If you see any errors or typos in either of the attached documents, please email Webminister



Agenda for BrokenBridge Commons 8/26

Canton of BrokenBridge

August 26th, 2016


  1. Reports (going around the room)

  1. Seneschal Report

  2. Officer Reports

Recently Past Events

  1. BaconBridge

  2. Viking Day demo

Upcoming Events

  1. Deck the Halls of Valhalla

Old Business New Business

  1. Financial policy

  2. Review the policy letters in September

  3. Officer elections in October

Next THREE (3) Upcoming Meetings (dates and locations)

  1. August 26: Arnora

  2. September ____:

  3. October ____:

  4. November ____:

Discussions… (Not Mentioned Above) End of Meeting
