Broken Bridge Virtual Demo: June 16th, 2020 3PM EST

Greetings to all,

I have exciting news to share with you all. The Canton of Brokebridge has been invited to hold a virtual demo for the Twitch show, Beyond Screens. Beyond Screens is a show produced by the group Indiecade that features work that pushes the boundaries of, or comes entirely off the screen.

We are thrilled to be holding a demo with Beyond Screens to showcase the SCA and our canton to a wider audience. We are featuring martial activities, A&S demonstrations, and bardic performances to showcase how the SCA comes out and plays!

We invite you all to watch on June 16th starting at 3pm Eastern to watch!

Link: Beyond Screens

Yours in Service,

Ragnarr Bliskegg


Brokenbridge Seneschal Candidate Q&A session

Greetings Brokenbridge Citizens,

After conferring with Brandr and Catelin, we have decided the date for the seneschal candidate Q&A session.
On October 3rd, at 11am, we will be having the Seneschal Candidate Q&A session. The populace of Brokenbridge will have their chance to ask the Candidates any questions they might have, from how the candidates envision leading Brokenbridge to a shining new future or their favorite bread recipes.
The election itself will be from October 1st to October 15th. You can send your votes to Brandr at 113751.
We will be having commons on Sunday, October 18th, where we will learn the results. An invite for commons will be set up soon.
Here is the link for the Q&A session:
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(‪US‬)‪+1 219-401-0415‬
PIN: ‪428 079 936#

Yours in Service,


Election Notice

Greetings to the Broken Bridge Populace. As all good things must come to pass so must my time as your Seneschal. Our October Elections are coming up fast and as such we have two outstanding candidates, Armiger Catelin Straquhin and Ragnarr Blasskegg, to take over guiding our beloved Canton into the future.

Thus follows are their respective platforms and reasons for wanting to take on the great responsibility of Broken Bridge Seneschal.
Armiger Catelin Straquhin
"Running Platform Points:
-To recruit and retain new members within the NYC area
-To replace/make new regalia pertaining to the Broken Bridge Heraldry and Officer Regalia
-To streamline and update the Broken Bridge website with new assets and information
-To foster and grow the canton’s relationship with the Province and other Cantons/Baronies within the area"

Ragnarr Blaskegg
"Greetings to the populace of Brokenbridge and officers of Brokenbridge,

May this letter find you all in good health and in excellent spirits. I, Lord Ragnarr Blaskegg, have written this letter to show my intent to run for the position of seneschal of Brokenbridge.

As a long-standing member of the society and of the Canton of Brokenbridge, I have worked to advance the society here in our Canton. I have worked as your herald in the past and as deputy seneschal. I have also worked as Event Steward for several events here in the canton including Deck the Halls of Valhalla and Bacon Bridge.

As seneschal, I want to continue the work we have done to advance our society, to continue to grow new and exciting events. I want to see the canton grow in all aspects of our society, from the arts, to fighting, to even more.
I welcome a chance to serve you all and help us be the best Canton we can be.
Yours in Service,
Ragnarr Blaskegg"

I am going to try and set up a Q & A session with both candidates some time in the next few weeks on Zoom. I will let you all know once I have figured out a time that will be good for everyone.
We will be having our October meeting on Sunday Oct 18th via Yahoo groups at 11am. Due to Covid we will be doing things differently this time. After October 1st, Please send your vote for Seneschal to me at:
No other officer positions are up for re-election this cycle.

BrokenBridge to hold “Deck the Halls of Valhalla” event on 1/7/17

Join us for an event celebrating the Viking holiday of Yule!

When winter comes, all men fear this will be the winter of that begins Ragnorok, the Fimbulwinter. Fimbulwinter, the mighty winter, the winter that will mark the battle of the gods, and the death of the world we know. As the days grew shorter, we all despair…but from despair comes hope! Hope reborn as the shadow of night gets shorter, hope that Ragnorok will never come! When the days start to get longer again, all Vikings get together and Deck the Hall​s​ of Valhalla! A celebration that the winter is starting to recede.

Proposed feast board:
Appetizers: Skyr, Birka bread, assorted icelandic cheeses, bread, honey butter, assorted fresh fruits and veggies
Side dishes: Pickled turnips, onions, and other veggies
Main dishes: Vegetarian porridge, Pickled Kale Lamb, and Boar Stew
Desserts: Hazelnut treats in lingonberry syrup

A sample from the Bardic Poetry competition at Bacon Bridge 2015

Bacon The All Around Food

Bacon in the morning with sunny side up eggs. Brighten your day.

A B.L.T. in the afternoon with extra mayo. Perks you up.

Bacon cooked wrapped around dates with a gin and tonic. Mellows you out.

Bacon with waffles and fig jam at midnight. Sends you to bed with a smile.


by Lady Lillie of the Red Towers on the occasion of Bacon bridge 2015.

Bacon Bridge wrap up

The Bacon Bridge event last Saturday was pretty successful.  Slightly smaller turn out, but everyone seemed to have a great time.  Even those few people who suffered through my teaching my very first class!

We wanted to take the time to thank the people that really helped out during the event.  Baroness Johanne i Visby, Oliver de Bainbridge, Ragnarr Bliskegg, Devra the Baker, Lady Lillie Redtowers, Baron Francesco Gaetano Greco d’Edessa, and Lady Beatrice.  Also a special thank you to Joyce for letting us use the venue, and Ibrahim al-Rashid for teaching two excellent classes.  Also, thank you to everyone who attended because they were also the same people who stayed to help clean up.

We hope to do this again next year!

-Arnora Ketilsdottir