September Commons and President Office Hours

To the populace of the Canton and beyond,

The Canton of Broken Bridge will host its monthly commons meeting on September 26th, 2021 starting at 11 AM.

This meeting will be virtual and can be accessed by Google Meet:

Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
‪+1 260-232-3272‬
PIN: ‪916 652 467#‬

If you need help accessing the Google Meet link or have questions regarding commons, please reach out to us at:

The chapter president will also be hosting virtual office hours on September 20th from 8 – 10 PM EST. Our office hours are an opportunity for members to have more opportunities to discuss SCA business outside of monthly meetings or ask questions regarding the workings of the SCA. 

These office hours are virtual and can be accessed by Google Meet:

Meeting ID

Phone Numbers
‪+1 413-471-2286‬
PIN: ‪224 577 731#‬

If you need help accessing the Google Meet link or have questions regarding office hours, please reach out to us at:

We look forward to seeing you!

Yours in Service,
Catelin Straquhin
Canton Webminister

Broken Bridge Commons Minutes 8/29/21

Officers Reports

Seneschal – Coronation has happened and we have new royalty. Reminded everyone that Barleycorn was happening soon.

A&S Minister – Is going to look to have a class for the next commons.

Westminster – Projects have been on Pause but restarting on them in Q4.

Old Business

Deck the Halls of Valhalla – Will be online and we have two individuals that might run the event. We have some ideas of new activities that we will talk further about. Date to be picked soon.

Flyers – Arnora made flyers for Fight Practice. She would like to be reimbursed for the expense. It was approved at the meeting unanimously.

Order of the Carrot – Arnora is working with the Viceregents about this unofficial order.

New Business

Marine Park – We really liked Marine Park and they have a community center. We are looking into ways we can rent it and see if we can do an in person event there next spring.

New Demos/Attending alternative events – Catelin brought up that we should look into new demos or alternative events to attend and try to advertise ourselves at. We are going to talk about making a list for the Seneschal to call cold and see if we can join them.

Event for the Kingdom of Acre – We had a special guest from the Kingdom of Acre. They are having an event October 2nd called “The Masque of the Red Death Ball” It’s $20 to attend and you can register at

Next commons will be September 26th, and it will be fully virtual.

Meeting ID for September 26th Commons
Phone Numbers
‪+1 260-232-3272‬
PIN: ‪916 652 467#

Brokenbridge Commons June 6th, 2021 Minutes

Officer’s Reports

Seneschal – We plan for the demo and the reopening of the SCA. Things seem to be going back to normal, slowly but surely.

Exchequer – Reporting to report.

Westminster – Business as usual, working on the archive. Thwarted a phishing attempt.

Chatelaine – Heavy Practice has started and it’s been attracting new people interested. Working on getting the newsletter out.

Minister of Arts and Sciences – Nothing new to report. Did share a simple viking tunic and submitted their A&S officer’s report.

Old Business

Twitch Demo – It’s coming along. June 16th! We planned placement of the site and Ragnarr has water and some sealed snacks for everyone.

Handouts for Practice – We need to look into localized handouts for practices. Randve, Ablrecht, and Arnora will look into it .

Feast of the Fireflies – Pennsic replacement potluck run by Randve. She had a planning meeting on the 9th. It went well and will have more details at Ostgardr commons.

New Business

Arnora brought up that Ostgardr is looking into getting trim with the populace badge for the group. We might consider getting some for the canton.

Broken Bridge Commons Meeting: March 28th 11 AM

Unto the populace of Broken Bridge,

We’ll be hosting another commons meeting for March 2021.

Agenda for commons is tentatively the following:

  1. Officer Reports
  2. Old Business
    -Policy Letter review
  3. New Business

If you have any business you want to bring up with the Canton, please let me know via email.

We will be meeting via Google Meet!

Call in details:
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
‪+1 423-712-0261‬
PIN: ‪989 303 056#‬

In Service,

Brokenbridge Commons: Minutes for 02-22-2021

Officer’s Reports

Seneschal – Lots of projects in the work for 2021. A newsletter and a new event coming in 2021 and we should look into planning in person events for 2022

Exchequer – Nothing to Report. Meeting with Seneschal later this week.

Chatelaine – Newsletter in the works. The Chatelaine is thinking of new ways to connect with people. Considering if getting paid advertising is worth the effort.

Webminister – Arnora is stepping down.

Minister of Arts and Sciences – Taught at Whyt Whey’s Schola.
Hanya Vladimirovna Polotskaya entered The King’s and Queen’s A&S with her Slavic Apron. Catelin is stepping down to take over as Webminster from Arnora.
Hanya is stepping up as Brokenbrdige’s MOAS.

Chronicler – Nothing to report.

Old Business

Deck the Halls of Valhalla – Deck the Halls of Valhalla went well.
Morwena and Catelin thanked all the teachers, bards, staff, the Vice Regency, and Ostgardr’s Herald for all their work.

What worked was zoom, having a team that knew how to use online tools, and all the classes went well. What did not work, was a fair number of bards and teachers cancelled last minute, so a backup plan is needed. Having more planning time would have helped greatly.

New Business

Populace Badge – After voting, the populace of Brokenbridge picked “A coney rampant vert” as their populace badge.

Website Updates – Catelin, our new Webminister is making improvements to the site. She has enhanced the layout, updates many of the widgets on the site, and has plans for future improvements. She is hoping to make it more than just a landing page but more of a destination for people to use.

Newsletter – Randve and Albrecht is looking into a newsletter. They have some art and articles. Some advice was given to them to look into the SCA’s newsletter policies to make sure they were compliant. Arnora has offered to proofread.

New Event – Randve has asked that Brokenbridge run a new ethereal event. She wants to bring back Baconbridge and make it a cooking themed event. She is going to get a planning meeting and will be the event steward.

Policy Letters – Ragnarr brought up that we need to review the policy letters for Brokenbridge and is asking that all Brokenbridge residents please read the policy letters and think of suggestions for changes if they have any. This will be an ongoing discussion.

The Canton has Spoken, Let’s Vote on a New Badge!

Greetings populace of Brokenbridge,

I want to thank you all for the feedback we received about the populace badge for Brokenbridge. We had so many suggestions that it seemed best to have a vote to see which badge will become the populace badge of the canton!

Follow this link to vote now:

The voting will be a rank choice vote, so you will have the option to vote for your top three ideas. Voting will be open until February 20th. Please note that only one vote per name and email address will be counted.

At Brokenbridge commons on February 21st, the top three choices will be announced.

Thank you Mathghamhain for helping with the graphics!

Yours in Service,

Lord Ragnarr Bliskegg

Seneschal of Brokenbridge

Brokenbridge Commons Minutes 11-15-2020

Brokenbridge Commons Minutes 11-15-2020

Officer’s Reports

Seneschal – Ragnarr is taking over as Seneschal. He has access to the email account and to the website. Told everyone that the Crown A&S championship is December 13th to January 31st.
Exchequer – Nothing to Report. A comment was made about not splitting the Brokenbridge account from Ostgardr. Seneschal will consider.
Westminster- Set up the new Seneschal’s email and website access
Chatelaine – Looking at ways to connect with people online. Considering setting up a TikTok page. Looking into making a Newsletter featuring cool stuff the populace of Brokenbridge is doing at home.
Minister of Arts and Sciences (Deputy gave report) – Pointed people to go to the Ostgardr youtube page for virtual A&S classes that are going on.
Knight Marshal- Does not believe in person training will begin again until January for Ostgardr. Martial Practice in Hawthorne NJ was shut down. Iron Bog has an in person practice still. But virtually martial activities are going strong and the knight marshal is available for consulting if you need marital help.

New Business

An Order of Slackers was brought up to the Vicereine as a special award for Brokenbridge for people who take pride in their slacking abilities. The Vicereine was gracious enough to talk to the Viceroy about it.
Some members will be looking into getting SCA certifications for their private property to hold events to try and expand Brokenbridge events in Canton.
Randve Litil Hammar is going to see about cleaning up the Brokenbridge contact lists and will work with Chatelaine Albrecht Anker to create a newsletter. We will plan a meeting around this and what can be done to help.

Old Business

Deck the Halls of Valhalla – Happening January 9 from 4p-8p. Event Steward Morwenna Penrose is working to set this up virtually. Randve Litil Hammar is going to help with Zoom setup. Several have volunteered to teach.