The Canton has Spoken, Let’s Vote on a New Badge!

Greetings populace of Brokenbridge,

I want to thank you all for the feedback we received about the populace badge for Brokenbridge. We had so many suggestions that it seemed best to have a vote to see which badge will become the populace badge of the canton!

Follow this link to vote now:

The voting will be a rank choice vote, so you will have the option to vote for your top three ideas. Voting will be open until February 20th. Please note that only one vote per name and email address will be counted.

At Brokenbridge commons on February 21st, the top three choices will be announced.

Thank you Mathghamhain for helping with the graphics!

Yours in Service,

Lord Ragnarr Bliskegg

Seneschal of Brokenbridge

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