Brokenbridge Commons: Minutes for 02-22-2021

Officer’s Reports

Seneschal – Lots of projects in the work for 2021. A newsletter and a new event coming in 2021 and we should look into planning in person events for 2022

Exchequer – Nothing to Report. Meeting with Seneschal later this week.

Chatelaine – Newsletter in the works. The Chatelaine is thinking of new ways to connect with people. Considering if getting paid advertising is worth the effort.

Webminister – Arnora is stepping down.

Minister of Arts and Sciences – Taught at Whyt Whey’s Schola.
Hanya Vladimirovna Polotskaya entered The King’s and Queen’s A&S with her Slavic Apron. Catelin is stepping down to take over as Webminster from Arnora.
Hanya is stepping up as Brokenbrdige’s MOAS.

Chronicler – Nothing to report.

Old Business

Deck the Halls of Valhalla – Deck the Halls of Valhalla went well.
Morwena and Catelin thanked all the teachers, bards, staff, the Vice Regency, and Ostgardr’s Herald for all their work.

What worked was zoom, having a team that knew how to use online tools, and all the classes went well. What did not work, was a fair number of bards and teachers cancelled last minute, so a backup plan is needed. Having more planning time would have helped greatly.

New Business

Populace Badge – After voting, the populace of Brokenbridge picked “A coney rampant vert” as their populace badge.

Website Updates – Catelin, our new Webminister is making improvements to the site. She has enhanced the layout, updates many of the widgets on the site, and has plans for future improvements. She is hoping to make it more than just a landing page but more of a destination for people to use.

Newsletter – Randve and Albrecht is looking into a newsletter. They have some art and articles. Some advice was given to them to look into the SCA’s newsletter policies to make sure they were compliant. Arnora has offered to proofread.

New Event – Randve has asked that Brokenbridge run a new ethereal event. She wants to bring back Baconbridge and make it a cooking themed event. She is going to get a planning meeting and will be the event steward.

Policy Letters – Ragnarr brought up that we need to review the policy letters for Brokenbridge and is asking that all Brokenbridge residents please read the policy letters and think of suggestions for changes if they have any. This will be an ongoing discussion.

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