We have the Brokenbridge Commons meeting coming up this Sunday, Sept 11 at 11am. We will be using the following zoom link for all commons’ for the foreseeable. future: https://ap.zoom.us/j/94543480164Brokenbridge Commons will be scheduled for the second Sunday of the month at 11am, though we are skipping October 2022.
Let me know if you want to add anything to the agenda which can be found here.
Our next commons meeting will take place July 10th at 11am EST on zoom. Joining information is below.
Join Zoom Meeting<https://ap.zoom.us/j/96686304011>
One tap mobile:
US: +16468769923,,96686304011#<tel:+16468769923,,96686304011> or +14086380968,,96686304011#<tel:+14086380968,,96686304011>
Meeting URL: https://ap.zoom.us/j/96686304011
Meeting ID:
966 8630 4011
Join by Telephone
For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location.
The Canton of Broken Bridge wishes to make the following known:
We recognize that the Society of Creative Anachronism is many things, including a game and a hobby. On one hand, it can not exist without volunteers donating their time and efforts. On the other hand, overcommitting and burnout are not healthy for our members nor to the long term health of our society.
Vert, a bunny rabbit statant affronty argent charged on the paw with a carrot gules
The unofficial Order of the Carrot was created to recognize and celebrate people who were able to say they have overcommitted. This is for those who were able to say “No, I can not complete these responsibilities.” Anyone who wants to join the order may do so on their own initiative.
The Carrot is about recognizing our own limitations and normalizing the practice of asking for help or setting boundaries to protect your wellbeing. Do not nominate other people for the Order without their enthusiastic consent, or present it to someone to shame them for getting overcommitted or not completing something. The Carrot should never be used as a stick.
You can also join us on Facebook at The Order of The Carrot group page for the latest news and information regarding the order.
As an unofficial award, the Order of the Carrot is not registered with the Society’s College of Arms and does not confer rank within the East Kingdom’s Order of Precedence.
We present the favor in heraldic description: Vert, a bunny rabbit statant affronty argent charged on the paw with a carrot gules
It is our deepest desire that this order goes beyond our chapter. Please feel free to make your own favors to distribute to those deserving of a carrot, and not a stick, for being able to recognize their own limits and let others take on volunteering opportunities.
To the populace we provide a PDF file containing the stencil design for the favor. You can simply download the file and print it off to use for the creation of the favor.
Seneschal – We plan for the demo and the reopening of the SCA. Things seem to be going back to normal, slowly but surely.
Exchequer – Reporting to report.
Westminster – Business as usual, working on the archive. Thwarted a phishing attempt.
Chatelaine – Heavy Practice has started and it’s been attracting new people interested. Working on getting the newsletter out.
Minister of Arts and Sciences – Nothing new to report. Did share a simple viking tunic and submitted their A&S officer’s report.
Old Business
Twitch Demo – It’s coming along. June 16th! We planned placement of the site and Ragnarr has water and some sealed snacks for everyone.
Handouts for Practice – We need to look into localized handouts for practices. Randve, Ablrecht, and Arnora will look into it .
Feast of the Fireflies – Pennsic replacement potluck run by Randve. She had a planning meeting on the 9th. It went well and will have more details at Ostgardr commons.
New Business
Arnora brought up that Ostgardr is looking into getting trim with the populace badge for the group. We might consider getting some for the canton.
I want to thank you all for the feedback we received about the populace badge for Brokenbridge. We had so many suggestions that it seemed best to have a vote to see which badge will become the populace badge of the canton!
The voting will be a rank choice vote, so you will have the option to vote for your top three ideas. Voting will be open until February 20th. Please note that only one vote per name and email address will be counted.
At Brokenbridge commons on February 21st, the top three choices will be announced.
Thank you Mathghamhain for helping with the graphics!
Seneschal – Ragnarr is taking over as Seneschal. He has access to the email account and to the website. Told everyone that the Crown A&S championship is December 13th to January 31st.
Exchequer – Nothing to Report. A comment was made about not splitting the Brokenbridge account from Ostgardr. Seneschal will consider.
Westminster- Set up the new Seneschal’s email and website access
Chatelaine – Looking at ways to connect with people online. Considering setting up a TikTok page. Looking into making a Newsletter featuring cool stuff the populace of Brokenbridge is doing at home.
Minister of Arts and Sciences (Deputy gave report) – Pointed people to go to the Ostgardr youtube page for virtual A&S classes that are going on.
Knight Marshal- Does not believe in person training will begin again until January for Ostgardr. Martial Practice in Hawthorne NJ was shut down. Iron Bog has an in person practice still. But virtually martial activities are going strong and the knight marshal is available for consulting if you need marital help.
New Business
An Order of Slackers was brought up to the Vicereine as a special award for Brokenbridge for people who take pride in their slacking abilities. The Vicereine was gracious enough to talk to the Viceroy about it.
Some members will be looking into getting SCA certifications for their private property to hold events to try and expand Brokenbridge events in Canton.
Randve Litil Hammar is going to see about cleaning up the Brokenbridge contact lists and will work with Chatelaine Albrecht Anker to create a newsletter. We will plan a meeting around this and what can be done to help.
Old Business
Deck the Halls of Valhalla – Happening January 9 from 4p-8p. Event Steward Morwenna Penrose is working to set this up virtually. Randve Litil Hammar is going to help with Zoom setup. Several have volunteered to teach.
After conferring with Brandr and Catelin, we have decided the date for the seneschal candidate Q&A session.
On October 3rd, at 11am, we will be having the Seneschal Candidate Q&A session. The populace of Brokenbridge will have their chance to ask the Candidates any questions they might have, from how the candidates envision leading Brokenbridge to a shining new future or their favorite bread recipes.
The election itself will be from October 1st to October 15th. You can send your votes to Brandr at 113751.
We will be having commons on Sunday, October 18th, where we will learn the results. An invite for commons will be set up soon.
Here is the link for the Q&A session:
Meeting ID meet.google.com/kry-jrkc-yon
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 219-401-0415
PIN: 428 079 936#