September Commons and President Office Hours

To the populace of the Canton and beyond,

The Canton of Broken Bridge will host its monthly commons meeting on September 26th, 2021 starting at 11 AM.

This meeting will be virtual and can be accessed by Google Meet:

Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
‪+1 260-232-3272‬
PIN: ‪916 652 467#‬

If you need help accessing the Google Meet link or have questions regarding commons, please reach out to us at:

The chapter president will also be hosting virtual office hours on September 20th from 8 – 10 PM EST. Our office hours are an opportunity for members to have more opportunities to discuss SCA business outside of monthly meetings or ask questions regarding the workings of the SCA. 

These office hours are virtual and can be accessed by Google Meet:

Meeting ID

Phone Numbers
‪+1 413-471-2286‬
PIN: ‪224 577 731#‬

If you need help accessing the Google Meet link or have questions regarding office hours, please reach out to us at:

We look forward to seeing you!

Yours in Service,
Catelin Straquhin
Canton Webminister

Brokenbridge 2021 February Meeting

Hello Brokenbridge,

We have commons this Sunday (February 21st, 2021) at 11:00 am!

Agenda for the meeting:

1. Officers Reports

2. Old Business
-Valhalla After report

3. New Business
-Website updates and Webminister/MOAS Positions
-Newsletter Populace Badge Policy Letters, planning to review and asking for submissions for updates.
-Possible new events

Call-in information:

Meeting ID
Phone Numbers(‪US‬)‪+1 513-843-1236‬
PIN: ‪538 143 039#‬

The Canton has Spoken, Let’s Vote on a New Badge!

Greetings populace of Brokenbridge,

I want to thank you all for the feedback we received about the populace badge for Brokenbridge. We had so many suggestions that it seemed best to have a vote to see which badge will become the populace badge of the canton!

Follow this link to vote now:

The voting will be a rank choice vote, so you will have the option to vote for your top three ideas. Voting will be open until February 20th. Please note that only one vote per name and email address will be counted.

At Brokenbridge commons on February 21st, the top three choices will be announced.

Thank you Mathghamhain for helping with the graphics!

Yours in Service,

Lord Ragnarr Bliskegg

Seneschal of Brokenbridge