The Canton of Broken Bridge wishes to make the following known:
We recognize that the Society of Creative Anachronism is many things, including a game and a hobby. On one hand, it can not exist without volunteers donating their time and efforts. On the other hand, overcommitting and burnout are not healthy for our members nor to the long term health of our society.
The unofficial Order of the Carrot was created to recognize and celebrate people who were able to say they have overcommitted. This is for those who were able to say “No, I can not complete these responsibilities.” Anyone who wants to join the order may do so on their own initiative.
The Carrot is about recognizing our own limitations and normalizing the practice of asking for help or setting boundaries to protect your wellbeing. Do not nominate other people for the Order without their enthusiastic consent, or present it to someone to shame them for getting overcommitted or not completing something. The Carrot should never be used as a stick.
You can also join us on Facebook at The Order of The Carrot group page for the latest news and information regarding the order.
As an unofficial award, the Order of the Carrot is not registered with the Society’s College of Arms and does not confer rank within the East Kingdom’s Order of Precedence.
We present the favor in heraldic description: Vert, a bunny rabbit statant affronty argent charged on the paw with a carrot gules
It is our deepest desire that this order goes beyond our chapter. Please feel free to make your own favors to distribute to those deserving of a carrot, and not a stick, for being able to recognize their own limits and let others take on volunteering opportunities.
To the populace we provide a PDF file containing the stencil design for the favor. You can simply download the file and print it off to use for the creation of the favor.
Yours in Service,
The Canton of Broken Bridge
Hiya, I am the Webwright for the Canton of Summergate out in the Barony of Calafia.
Your unofficial Order of the Carrot was brought to my attention in one of the many SCA groups I am a part of. I brought it up to the attention of our Seneschal and she loves the idea.
Would it be possible for us to spread the unoffical Order of the Carrot to our canton?
Yes, please feel free to copy/paste our messaging and to share the image and PDF of the favor, and if other people are interested please feel free to share your source with them.
One of our goals is to spread word about The Carrot and allow people to nominate themselves for the order. So, share away!
Please follow the unofficial order of the carrot facebook page for updates on where to get favors and other updates relating to the order: