IMPORTANT Feb 2023 meeting notes – Please Read

Feb 2023 meeting notes from the Brokenbridge commons are up! They can be found here in the "Agenda and Notes" folder. Main highlight is that we have postponed the Herald election (and possible dance off) for Ragnarr and Catelin to the March 20th commons meeting.

After the commons meeting was over, we had an unofficial discussion about possibly allowing the Canton of Brokenbridge to go inactive by the end of the year. We decided to research it and see what would happen to things like our finances, heraldry, and populace badge.

This is not an easy thing to think about, let alone discuss, and it is by no means done. If you wish to be part of this discussion, please attend our commons meetings which are always on the third Monday of the month at 8pm. Going forward, the zoom link will be pasted in the top of the agenda/notes document which is accessible with the link above. I am going to try to have discussions about this after every Bb commons for the next six months. Please participate in it.

-Arnora Ketilsdottir
Seneschal of BrokenBridge

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